Thursday, September 19, 2024

Latvia granted citizenship to 915 persons through naturalisation in 2017

According to Official Latvian citizenship statistics,  from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, Latvia has received 1 085 applications for the admission of Latvian citizenship through naturalization and granted citizenship to 915 persons.  The applicants are from:

  •  Lithuanians and Estonians-3.7%,
  • Russians – 67.9%,
  • Poles – 4.1%,
  • Belarussians – 9.7%,
  • Ukrainians – 8.9%,
  • other – 4.4%.

Naturalization process began in Latvia on February 1, 1995.

  • Since the beginning of naturalization process 145 605 naturalization applications have been received requesting 158 964 persons to be naturalized.
  • 145 430 persons including 14 508 underage children have been granted the citizenship of Latvia by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers.
 The number of received naturalization applications  The number of persons having acquired Latvian citizenship
through naturalization 
2016 2017 2016 2017
 January 92 100 0 0
 February  88 103  102 98
 March  93 96  93  62
 April  82  59  142  75
 May  91  99  138  76
 June  76 74  0 88
 July 69 89  90  0
 August 82 98  64  187
 September 60 103  107  0
 October 88 111  0  64
 November  99  81  64  114
 December 81  72  187  151
TOTAL 1001 1085 987 915



The following persons may be admitted to citizenship of Latvia under a naturalisation procedure:

  • Reached the age of 15;
  • Permanent place of residence has been in Latvia for not less than the last five years
  • Fluent in the Latvian language, know the basic principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the text of the National Anthem, and the basics of the history and culture of Latvia;
  • Legal source of income;
  • Renounced of their former citizenship and received an expatriation permit from the country of their former citizenship

Latvia Passport

Latvia is a baltic EU member state and participates in Schengen Area. Latvia passport is ranked #12 powerful european passport in the world with visa free access to 166 countries, according to 2018 Henley passport index.

Golden Visa

Latvia also offers Golden visa program starting from 250,000 euros through property investment or bank deposit to foreign investors.

Dual Citizenship

Latvia has made amendments to the Citizenship Law which came into force on 1 October in 2013, citizenship of Latvia may be retained for persons who have acquired:
  • Citizenship of another EU Member State or another EFTA Member State;
  • Citizenship of another NATO Member State;
  • Citizenship of Australia, Brazil or New Zealand;
  • Citizenship of such a country with which Latvia has concluded an agreement on the recognition of dual citizenship (no such agreement is currently concluded);
  • Citizenship of a country not referred to previously if due to important national interests permission from the Cabinet is received to retain dual citizenship;
  • Citizenship of a country not referred to previously if it has been acquired automatically (ex lege) through marriage or as a result of adoption.
  • Children of citizens of Latvia may hold dual citizenship with any country.



Prabhu Balakrishnan
Prabhu Balakrishnan
Founder of Citizenship by Investment Journal. Chief Editor with over 15 years experience in PR and News publishing. He Loves writing about citizenship, residency and wealth migration. CIP Journal is a Leading publication founded in 2017 bringing latest news from CBI/RBI market.

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