Thursday, September 19, 2024

London house prices average £484,584

In England, the April data shows on average, house prices have risen by 1.1% since March 2018, according to HM Land registry. Scotland has up trend in price changes.

UK Annual housing prices
Annual price change for UK by country over the past 5 years

In London, on average, house prices have risen by 2.4% since March 2018. An annual price rise of 1% takes the average property value to £484,584.

Average price by property type for London

Property type April 2018 April 2017 Difference %
Detached £895,301 £899,133 -0.4
Semi-detached £592,142 £567,701 4.3
Terraced £504,596 £488,136 3.4
Flat/maisonette £425,045 £428,541 -0.8
All £484,584 £479,790 1.0

Funding and buyer status for London

Transaction type Average price April 2018 Annual price change % since April 2017 Monthly price change % since March 2018
Cash £511,195 0.3 2.7
Mortgage £476,438 1.2 2.3
First-time buyer £424,029 0.8 2.3
Former owner occupier £546,563 1.2 2.5

Building status for London

Building status* Average price February 2018 Annual price change % since February 2017 Monthly price change % since January 2018
New build £514,619 2.9 4.7
Existing resold property £473,538 -0.3 -0.8

*Figures for the 2 most recent months are not being published because there are not enough new build transactions to give a meaningful result.

Sales volumes for London

The most up-to-date HM Land Registry sales figures available for London show the number of completed house sales in February 2018 fell by 23.9% to 5,411 compared with 7,108 in February 2017

Month Sales 2018 Sales 2017 Difference %
January 6,092 6,931 -12.1
February 5,411 7,108 -23.9
Prabhu Balakrishnan
Prabhu Balakrishnan
Founder of Citizenship by Investment Journal. Chief Editor with over 15 years experience in PR and News publishing. He Loves writing about citizenship, residency and wealth migration. CIP Journal is a Leading publication founded in 2017 bringing latest news from CBI/RBI market.

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