The Dominica CBI program is one of the most popular citizenship by investment programmes in the Caribbean.
The Citizenship by Investment of Unit of Dominica (CBIU) issued a circular today asking agents to restrict aggressive marketing of the program following the Government guidelines
- Â Not to offer special offers or discounts with CBI program
- Prominent display of passport images.
- Misrepresenting the cost of investment
According to Citizenship Unit of Dominica, Government fee only applies to real estate investment ($200,00) option and do not apply to EDF contribution.
The Dominica CBIU also announced in their website, they will also accept payments in euros (EUR) and pounds sterling (GBP). Any payment in EUR or GBP must, on the day it is processed by the recipient bank, be equivalent to or greater than the minimum contribution amount in USD. Any payment that falls below the minimum contribution amount in USD will be rejected as insufficient.
Further, In some cases for high risk applicants, enhanced due diligence may be required, depending on the citizenship the applicant holds and other personal circumstances.
Dominica recently signed visa waiver with Russia in New York, raising hopes the program will be even more popular in 2018. The Citizenship by investment programme has served as a lifeline for Dominica for emergency funds to recover from natural disasters.
In a recently released Henley passport rankings 2018, The Commonwealth of Dominica passport ranks 37th powerful passport in the world with 137 visa free destinations.