Sunday, February 23, 2025

What you should know about Vanuatu citizenship by investment?

Vanuatu has the most exclusive citizenship by investment schemes in the world.  Vanuatu CIP is also unique, separating from other CBI schemes.


The Vanuatu citizenship scheme launched in 2015, currently has DSP/VCP scheme currently requires USD 150,000 contribution offering citizenship to foreign investors


  • Vanuatu is the only south pacific country in the world that has fast track citizenship by investment scheme
  • Vanuatu also has powerful passport in 2019 with visa free countries to 129 countries including UK/Ireland, EU schengen and Russia, Israel, Singapore etc.
  • A total 1,200 citizenships granted to foreigners bringing $150 million revenues for the pacific island
  • Vanuatu, there is no income tax, withholding tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, or exchange control.
  • Vanuatu has extradition treaties with commonwealth, south pacific (no extradition treaty with US, China)
  • Vanuatu joined interpol in 2018 for cooperation in crime fighting
  • Bitcoin not accepted for Vanuatu
  • Oath of Allegiance taking is required in physical presence
  • No real estate option attached to DSP/VCP schemes
  • Vanuatu does not approve CIP applicants who have been imprisoned abroad for more than 12 months.
  • Vanuatu allows dual citizenship for CBI citizens



According to IMF, After failed attempts to establish passport selling schemes in the 1990s, the Vanuatu government revived the new economic citizenship programs to boost revenue.


  • Vanuatu Economic Rehabilitation Program (VERP) was introduced after Cyclone Pam to raise additional fund for recovery activities.
  • The Capital Investment Immigration Plan (CIIP), which was originally introduced in 2014, was replaced by Vanuatu Real Estate Option Program (REO Program) in November 2016, and
  • VERP by Vanuatu Development Support Program (VDSP) and Vanuatu Contribution Program (VCP) in March 2017.


Currently, VERP and CIIP is closed and replaced by DSP/VCP schemes.


 Citizenship Investment


The 2018 Citizenship Act amendments for DSP program proposes the following fees for citizenship acquisition


  • for a single person -the selling price must not be less than 150,000 USD
  • for a married couple -the selling price must not be less than 170,000 USD
  •  for a married couple and a child under 18 years of age -the selling price must not be less than 185,000 USD
  •  for a married couple and 2 children under 18 years of age the selling price must not be less than 200,000 USD.


Additional fee


  • Application fee of VT 5000 to the Commission for his or her application.
  •  A person who has been granted Citizenship under the Development Support Program must pay a certificate fee of VT 10,000 for each certificate that is granted under his or her application.
  • Each applicant must pay a fee of USD 2,000 for due diligence checks to be made on him or her and on persons under his or her application.


Note: 100 VT = 0.9 USD


Citizenship regulations 2019


New Citizenship by Investment Amendments for DSP program came into effect on 07 Jan 2019  proposed the following regulations


  • Fee paid by applicant covers applicant, spouse and 2 children
  • Citizenship commission must make a decision within 3 months (90 days) on whether to approve or grant citizenship
  • Minister may prescribe additional fee for children or resident dependent.



Loss of Citizenship


According to Citizenship act of Vanuatu, citizenship is lost for


  • Takes an oath or makes a declaration or affirmation of allegiance to another country or to the Sovereign or Head of State of another country;
  •   Does, agrees to or adopts any act by which he becomes a national or citizen of another country;
  •  Enters or serves in the armed forces of another country except with the express approval of the Prime Minister acting in accordance with the advice of the Council of Ministers; or
  •   Except as permitted by any Act, votes in a national, provincial, state or local election, or accepts elective office, of another country.
  • A person who is found by a court to have obtained citizenship by any false representation, fraud or concealment of a material fact on his part shall cease to be a citizen 30 days
  • A person who has acquired citizenship by naturalization shall lose that citizenship if he travels across a national boundary making use of a passport of any foreign state.


An important point to note here is Vanuatu citizens entering the country with foreign passport shall be deprived of citizenship. Citizens entering and exiting must use Vanuatu  passport.


According to Vanuatu citizenship office, 30 persons have been stripped of their citizenship for unlawful activities. According to the citizenship commission


Due to the previous illegal and unreasonable activities by individuals, the current established Commission has revoked around almost 30 citizenships that were granted contrary to the Provisions of the Citizenship Act [Cap 112] and the national Constitution.




The Prime Minister may deprive a citizen by naturalization of his citizenship by declaration in the Vanuatu Gazette within 15 days of that person being sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 10 years or more.


Honorary Citizenship


Vanuatu made amendments to citizenship regulations for 2018 repealing the honorary citizenship issued under DSP and VCP schemes





During a time of war, citizenship may not be renounced without the prior consent of the Prime Minister.


New amendments to Citizenship Act in 2014  impose fine and imprisonment for fraud


A person who obtains citizenship in a fraudulent manner or a manner which is not approved by the Commission commits an offense and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding VT 5,000,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years, or both.”



Visa waivers


Vanuatu signed a mutual visa waiver agreement with Schengen Area countries on 28 May 2015.


A mutual visa waiver agreement was signed with Russia on 20 September 2016 and entered into force on 21 October 2016.


All Vanuatu citizens including CBI citizens require visa to travel to these important countries


  • United States
  • Canada
  • Australia / New Zealand
  • United Arab Emirates
  • South Africa
  • Japan
  • South Korea



DSP – Development support program  (DSP)
VCP – Vanuatu contribution program (VCP)

Prabhu Balakrishnan
Prabhu Balakrishnan
Founder of Citizenship by Investment News. Chief Editor with over 15 years experience in PR and News publishing. He Loves writing about citizenship, residency and wealth migration. CIP Journal is a Leading publication founded in 2017 bringing latest news from CBI/RBI market.

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