Thursday, September 19, 2024

World citizenship council offers free membership

The World Citizenship Council (WCC) offers free membership to individuals and firms in the Citizenship by investment (CBI) and Residence by Investment (RBI) industry.   We also invite non-profit organizations and governments, law firms who deal with citizenship, residence and statelessness to register for free membership.


Membership is free of charge




  • Members can write WCCM (world citizenship council member) after their name
  • Members invited to all the events including World Citizenship forum (WCF) event
  • Feature your company in members directory
  • Members can publish guest  articles free in WCC website 
  • Use WCC logo in your website


World Citizenship Council (WCC) is a non-profit organization for research, development and promotion of the citizenship and  residence by investment schemes (CRBI) throughout the world.  Other migratory issues such as citizenship, statelessness, migration, refugees, human rights, taxation, and dual citizenship will also be on the forefront.


The CRBI industry is currently worth $20 billion growing at an unprecedented rate year. These schemes operate in over 35 countries and there are estimated close to 10,000 agents promoting such schemes.


With this mind, the council aims to bring together connecting agents, industry experts with governments, due diligence firms in the matters of citizenship and residence.


We are still a startup launched in 2018 and we are slowly growing.


The council will organize biggest World Citizenship forum, events and seminars to bring together Governments, Associations and professionals of the CBI/RBI/EB-5 industry together to address migratory issues.


Stay tuned for events in 2020 once we have enough members!


Register free:

Prabhu Balakrishnan
Prabhu Balakrishnan
Founder of Citizenship by Investment Journal. Chief Editor with over 15 years experience in PR and News publishing. He Loves writing about citizenship, residency and wealth migration. CIP Journal is a Leading publication founded in 2017 bringing latest news from CBI/RBI market.

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